Penta / Phantom

Penta / Phantom

The Penta range of kitchens is a play on the neo- classical style of kitchens which draws inspiration from the art and architecture of classical antiquity.


  • For this kitchen, we have used the Verde colour from our phantom range as the primary colour
  • With a matte green anti-scratch surface beautifully contrasted with a backsplash of subway tiles in white and a countertop in white quartz, this kitchen is easy on the eyes despite its unconventional primary monotone
  • As the light enters this space, it highlights the elements in teak that have been intelligently incorporated in the overheard cabinets to deliver a visual break

For this kitchen, we have used predominantly the verde color from our phantom range, which is matte green anti scratch surface.


A backsplash of subway tiles in white and a counter top in white quartz help in bringing out the monotone green.


 The sun beautifully lights up the elements of the teak color that have been used to give a visual break in the overhead cabinets.

Phantom / Penta Color Choices

Laminate Finishes

Baileys Coffee

Pious Crimson

Beaver Brown

Lilly White

Charcoal Grey

London Grey

Civet Coffee


Grigio Concrete

Nautical Blue

Isle of Skye

Neo Black